Taegeuk Il Jang (Yellow Belt)
Taegeuk El Jang (Orange Belt)
Taegeuk Sam Jang (Green Belt)
Taegeuk Sa Jang (Blue Belt)
Taegeuk Oh Jang (Purple Belt)
Taegeuk Yuk Jang (Purple Stripe Belt)
Taegeuk Chil Jang (Red Belt)
Taegeuk Pal Jang (Red Stripe and Brown Belt)
Koryo (Korea) is the name of an old Korean Dynasty. The people from the Koryo-period defeated the Mongolian aggressors. Their spirit is reflected in the movements of the Poomse Koryo. each movement of this Poomse represents the strength and energy needed to control the Mongols.
The definition of Keumgang is "Too strong to be broken" or "diamond." The movement of Keumgang Poomse are as beautiful as the Keumgang-San (a Korean Mountain) and as strong as Keumgang-Seok (a Diamond).
The legendary Dangun founded a nation in Taebek, near Korea's biggest mountain Baekdoo. Baekdoo is a known symbol in Korea. The definition of the word "Taebaek" literally translates as "lightness." Every movement in this Poomse is intended to not only be exact and fast, but with determination and hardness, resembling the mountain Baekdoo, the origin of the nation of Korea.
Pyongwon means a plain that is a vast, stretched-out land. It is the source of life for all the creatures of the field where human beings live their lives. The poomse Pyongwon was based on the idea of peace and struggle resulting from the principles of origin and use.
Sipjin stands for ten symbols of longevity, which are Sun, Moon, Mountain, Water, Stone, Pine tree, Herb of eternal youth, Turtle, Deer, and Crane. This Poomse represents the endless development and growth by the basic idea of the ten symbols of longevity and the decimal system.